Brick and mortar open Friday and Saturday only, 10:30 to 5:00 (and by appointment) for February in order to prepare for market. Closed February 22nd and 28th for special events. Normal hours will resume in March after market. 1212 NW 12th Ave, Suite C2, Gainesville, FL 32601. Phone 352-275-7870. Follow us on Instagram at victorianrose.needlearts and Victorian Rose Stitching Corner on Facebook.

A Quick Note

Victorian Rose is open and shipping orders as quickly as possible. Most market orders have gone out already. A couple of items are on order. Although I preordered them, some items are still being shipped to me. Charlotte Mills, Jean Key, and Mountain Aire linen were all preordered for customers, but were not ready for market. I’ll be sending them out as soon as they’re in. As always, I strive for a 24 hour turnaround on shipping orders.

Thank you for your patience and stay safe in these days as we all strive to find a new normal with COVID19 affecting the world.