Susan Greening Davis class April 12th from 9:30 to 3:30. Sunday Sit n Stitch will be held February 23rd from 2:00 to 5:00. Normal hours will resume in March after market. 1212 NW 12th Ave, Suite C2, Gainesville, FL 32601. Phone 352-275-7870. Follow us on Instagram at victorianrose.needlearts and Victorian Rose Stitching Corner on Facebook.

Calendar of Events

Every Monday Crafters Corner at Books a Million in Gainesville, 10:00 to whenever. Lunch after. June 7th closed. August 13- 17 Closed, Pop Up Shop, EGA National Atlanta; October 18 - 19 Closed for Summer House Stitcheworks Scarlet Aviary in Jacksonville; Thursday, October 24th Victorian Rose sampler presentation to the Handweaver's Guild, Gainesville.