Brick and mortar open Friday and Saturday only, 10:30 to 5:00 (and by appointment) for February in order to prepare for market. Closed February 22nd and 28th for special events. Normal hours will resume in March after market. 1212 NW 12th Ave, Suite C2, Gainesville, FL 32601. Phone 352-275-7870. Follow us on Instagram at victorianrose.needlearts and Victorian Rose Stitching Corner on Facebook.

Happy Halloween! Sale

Victorian Rose wishes everyone the happiest of Halloweens. In a year that’s been spooky enough, we all need a treat; so mark your calendars for OCTOBER 31st. We will have a storewide sale from the break of dawn on October 31st to the bewitching hour with an automatic discount of 15% off in your cart, no code necessary. Floss is excluded and we cannot honor on previous purchases or special orders. Beware this sale vanishes at midnight on the 31st.