Susan Greening Davis class April 12th from 9:30 to 3:30. Sunday Sit n Stitch will be held February 23rd from 2:00 to 5:00. Normal hours will resume in March after market. 1212 NW 12th Ave, Suite C2, Gainesville, FL 32601. Phone 352-275-7870. Follow us on Instagram at victorianrose.needlearts and Victorian Rose Stitching Corner on Facebook.

Merry Wind Farm Eliza Brassington Silk Conversion

We love Merry Wind Farm's Eliza Brassington so much that we did a Needlepoint Inc conversion for it. With its fairytale castle and zany bird, it just spoke to our sense of joie de vivre! And you just have to love the rose. Melinda Cole originally charted for DMC.